RSS enables to follow the most important events on a regular basis and provides a fast access to the interesting news.
RSS (Really Simple Syndication) is a form of publicizing information published on the Internet sites. RSS news is delivered in the form of headlines and it resembles the electronic mail - it has a title, summary and link, which leads to the complete information on the website. Special programmes (the so-called readers) are used to read the RSS news.
RSS forms a list of content of the Internet service, which enables an immediate access to the selected information.
Advantages of the RSS
The news reaches the person in question individually and immediately after being published in the Internet.
With the use of the RSS it is possible to collect pieces of information from numerous sources, concerning interesting topics (f. ex. news from all sub sites of the website or news from various Internet sites) in one place
It is not necessary to load the whole Internet site with all the useless information before reaching the one, specific information. Due to RSS it is possible to select the interesting topics immediately.
Special programmes, the so-called readers, are used to read the RSS news. Many of them are being installed as "plug-in" to the mailing programme or to the Internet browser. The reader may mark, which pieces of information have been read and organize them according to selected criteria.